Please enter your name and a secret to uniquely identify you.
This is not an account. It is just used to identify your current session.
If you get disconnected during a game, you can use your secret to get
back in. When you "Logout", your name and secret will be forgotten by
the system. If you do not specifically logout, your name and secret will
eventually be forgotten since it is not intended to be a permanent
identification. You can use a different secret every time you access
this system.

=========================== Game Instructions ===========================


For 2 to 7 players.

How to Play


Have the largest number of worms in your domino pile at the end of the game.

On Your Turn

Start by rolling the 8 dice. There is a W (representing a worm) in place
of the 6. For the purpose of adding the dice, W counts as 5.
From the rolled dice, select 1 number to save (touch a die with that
value). You must save ALL dice with that number. You cannot save a number
that you already saved.
Collect a domino or roll the remaining dice again. You must have at least
1 W in order to collect a domino. You may collect any domino from the BBQ
that has a number less than or equal to your saved dice total. If you collect
a domino, it is added to your stack and your turn is over.
STEAL: If your saved dice total matches the number on the domino on the
top of another player's stack, you can steal it from them. Put the stolen
domino on your stack and your turn is over. Just as for collecting from
the BBQ, you must have at least 1 W in your saved dice.
BUST: If you ever roll and do not roll any number that you haven't
already saved, you bust and your turn is over. When you bust, you must
return the top domino from your stack back to the BBQ and turn over the
largest domino on the BBQ unless the largest domino on the BBQ is the
one you are returning. Face-down dominoes are out for the rest of the
game and can never be collected. Note: If you have already collected
all 6 possible numbers and still cannot collect or steal a domino, you
bust. If you have no dice left and your cannot collect or steal a domino,
you bust.

Game End

The game ends when there are no more face-up dominoes on the the
BBQ. Players count the number of Worms on the dominoes in their stack.
The player with the most wins. If there is a tie, the player (among
the tied players) with the largest domino wins.